Shake Up Your Mornings

It’s true that most people don’t get enough fruits and vegetables in their diet, but I have found a delicious, fun and easy way to do it, I’ve added a variety of fruits and vegetables to my morning routine and I tell you it makes a world of difference. Not only am I fuller longer, but I am way more energized then when I have coffee. I don’t mean just the run a mile in two minutes energized; I also mean the “Limitless” pill clarity of the mind kind of energized.  I’m more alert; I feel happy and look good! Another major benefit;  getting in the recommended  five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables a day.  It’s so much easier to do that when you blend (or juice). I can throw several different types in the Vitamix and in about a minute I have a drink that is going to send a multitude of vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and fiber straight to the blood stream.  I know some people will think they don’t have time, but by pre-cutting my fruits and storing them in the freezer I save a ton of time. Not to mention those frozen fruits take the place of ice, so my shake isn’t watered down; yay me! 

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Some of my favorite recipes:

Pear Tree





coconut water

Green Banana





frozen banana

frozen strawberry

Small orange

coconut water


Green Envy


Greens- collard and kale

Frozen mango

Frozen banana

coconut water

The great thing is you can be creative. There are tons of combinations, I’ll share more soon!

Choosing the Right Foundation

When choosing the right foundation, here are a few things that you should take consideration:  your skin type  (dry, oily, etc); time of year (we tend to be darker in the Summer); how much or how little coverage you desire; the finish- matte (no shine), Dewy (shine) or satin (low shine) and last, but not least, the occasion.

Light coverage– comes in different textures; it can be a powder or a liquid, remember ladies, coverage also depends on the tools used. If you use a large fluff brush with a powder foundation such as MAC Studio Fix (matte finish), Bobbi Brown’s Illuminating Finishing Powder compact foundation SPF 12, will illuminate your skin with reflective pigments and create a radiant and diffused look, or Iman’s Second to None enriched minerals powder (matte with a little glitter), it will go lightly onto your skin, if you use a buffer brush.  There are foundation brushes made especially for emollient foundations; those brushes are particularly good for liquid base foundations or tinted moisturizers (which are usually dewy finishes).  These will deposit lightly onto your skin.

Medium coverage– Same as light coverage, medium comes in different textures also, MAC’s Select SPF (matte finish) or Bobbi Brown Luminous moisturizing foundation (dewy) or Iman’s Stick foundation, you get great coverage when used with a foundation brush made for emollient products. Be aware that some foundations are buildable.  This allows you to go from medium coverage to full coverage such as Bobbi Brown or Iman’s Stick foundations using your emollient foundation brush alone and or with a powder.

Full coverage– Full coverage is maximum coverage for your skin; it can cover dark circles under your eyes and hyper pigmentation (dark marks left after a pimple).  It also can make your skin look flawless, MAC’s Studio Tech or Bobbi Brown Moisturizing cream powder foundation or Iman’s Second to None cream to powder (best loved by make-up artists), when applied with foundation brush made for emollient products or a non porous sponge (please change often to avoid bacteria build up).   Remember ladies, when choosing your foundation, the time of year is important.  In the summer months we tend to be a bit darker; whereas in the winter we’re lighter  therefore, we need two foundations for the year. Also, keep in mind our skin may change so we will need to accommodate the changes with what our skin may need, and  don’t forget to cleanse and moisturize before any make-up application.

Special Occasions

When choosing foundation for those special occasions, weddings, family photos, parties (day or evening), be sure to choose the right texture. What is recommended is NO powder foundations if photos are being taken.  The flash on the camera will pick up the talc in the powder foundation, not the pigment in it. If you get oily during your special occasion, use blotting film, it will remove the oil without removing your make-up, or use a light pressed powder to help take the shine away.  I recommend medium to full coverage.  Remember we can all use a little enhancement, so don’t be afraid to try something new!!

 By DeneenMarcel

For the Cheapest Airline Tickets, Start Shopping on Tuesday Afternoon

For the Cheapest Airline Tickets, Start Shopping on Tuesday Afternoon.

Life Hacker reports Tuesday afternoon is the best time to buy your airline tickets for domestic flights; more specifically, 3pm. How can they be so sure? Well, for one, I’ve always followed this rule, as it was grapevine information. BUT apparently, there have been studies made and formulas created to save you money on airfares; and travel site FareCompare has meticulously gathered all the data to suggest that this is the best time to shop.   If you want to take your airfare saving to a whole other level, Hacker also reports in an earlier article that Economist Makoto Watanabe advises to purchase your ticket eight weeks before your flight.  That seems to be the ultimate sweet spot for saving a load of money on your trip. I heard a similar report on NPR which says six weeks before is the time; so I’d say start searching between six and eight weeks. I mean really, who doesn’t want to save money; right? No one but you and your wallet has to know that the reason you are able to buy a round of beers at the destination bar of your choice is because you bought your ticket way in advance. They’ll think you’re a total baller! So go on and get those frequent flyer miles. Just remember to do it Tuesday 3PM EST, six to eight weeks ahead of time.

by Tudy

Zara Online!

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Yes people, now you have the option of shopping for  Zara’s  reasonably priced, incredibly high fashion clothes online! I admit this is not as much fun as you’ll have in the stores, but you’ll come across some great finds, nevertheless.  If you don’t know already, Zara has been dubbed the “Forever 21 for adults” However I think the two are in totally different classes! Zara surpasses Forever 21 in a big way.  Zara, although, priced higher, is more of a value in terms of quality. Their clothes are well made with attention to detail, their fabric lasts more than a few washes and the styles mimic the high-end designer fashions we tend to see in the magazines. Speaking of magazines, you won’t see Zara ads in them because  they  don’t advertise.  Instead, they  focus on giving the customers what they want; beautiful clothes at low prices.  That’s one of the reasons they are able to keep costs down and pass the saving on to us, the consumer.   Zara prides themselves on meeting the needs of  the “Realway” not the “Runway” which is great because we get big-fashioned , functional clothes we can wear to work (or play) without looking out of place. I sometimes see the fashions featured on the pages or Vogue or Elle and think “where would I wear that?” Not the case with Zara fashions you can find styles for every occasion!  Bravo, ZARA! Job well done.  Here are photos of some of  their Fall Collection 2011,  you can find in their online store. hope you enjoy! (shop responsibly)          by Tudy







The Benefits Of A Massage

Alleviate low-back pain and improve range of motion.
Assist with shorter, easier labor for expectant mothers and shorten maternity hospital stays.
Ease medication dependence.
Enhance immunity by stimulating lymph flow—the body’s natural defense system.
Exercise and stretch weak, tight, or atrophied muscles.
Help athletes of any level prepare for, and recover from, strenuous workouts.
Improve the condition of the body’s largest organ—the skin.
Increase joint flexibility.
Lessen depression and anxiety.
Promote tissue regeneration, reducing scar tissue and stretch marks.
Pump oxygen and nutrients into tissues and vital organs, improving circulation.
Reduce postsurgery adhesions and swelling.
Reduce spasms and cramping.
Relax and soften injured, tired, and overused muscles.
Release endorphins—amino acids that work as the body’s natural painkiller.
Relieve migraine pain.
A Powerful Ally
There’s no denying the power of bodywork. Regardless of the adjectives we assign to it (pampering, rejuvenating, therapeutic) or the reasons we seek it out (a luxurious treat, stress relief, pain management), massage therapy can be a powerful ally in your healthcare regimen.

Experts estimate that upwards of ninety percent of disease is stress related. And perhaps nothing ages us faster, internally and externally, than high stress. While eliminating anxiety and pressure altogether in this fast-paced world may be idealistic, massage can, without a doubt, help manage stress. This translates into:
Decreased anxiety.
Enhanced sleep quality.
Greater energy.
Improved concentration.
Increased circulation.
Reduced fatigue.
Furthermore, clients often report a sense of perspective and clarity after receiving a massage. The emotional balance bodywork provides can often be just as vital and valuable as the more tangible physical benefits.

Profound Effects
In response to massage, specific physiological and chemical changes cascade throughout the body, with profound effects. Research shows that with massage:
Arthritis sufferers note fewer aches and less stiffness and pain.
Asthmatic children show better pulmonary function and increased peak air flow.
Burn injury patients report reduced pain, itching, and anxiety.
High blood pressure patients demonstrate lower diastolic blood pressure, anxiety, and stress hormones.
Premenstrual syndrome sufferers have decreased water retention and cramping.
Preterm infants have improved weight gain.

by Yvette

(fōnuts), Donuts Healthy Cousin

Today we ventured over to a new eatery located at Third and Crescent Heights, in the Miracle Mile section of Los Angeles, called fonuts.  These, as advertised are the healthy alternative to the deep fried donuts  we’ve come to know and love.   Being the first day of business, the place was buzzing with curious, health conscience folks. At fonuts, there were cake and raised (yeasted) in vegan and/or gluten-free donuts, which is the only type my sister, Yvette will eat. These donuts are made using a combination of steaming and convection heat to create the light fluffy textures you expect when having a donut.  There was a good assortment of flavors to choose from  (see list below) including a savory option.  I had the Lemon; which was good but I found to taste a little undercooked. Chocolate Banana I enjoyed, it reminded me of banana bread. Chocolate Hazelnut, this was my favorite, it was rich without being overly sweet. I would marry that one!   I also tried the Rum flavor, which I found very bland. I didn’t care for that one. And the chorizo cheddar was a delightful change from the norm, a bit on the bagel side, could use a little more chorizo and a tad more bite.  The staff was very friendly, helpful and ready for all the questions. In all, it was a very pleasant dining experience.

In my opinion these donuts were interesting and delicious, but more on the cake side of their light and airy counterpart. They actually remind me more of cupcakes; except for the chorizo cheddar, which reminded me of a very light bagel.  The price for the healthy alternative was a whopping sixteen-fifty for five donuts.  They were good but they weren’t sixteen-fifty good. I don’t understand why it cost more to eat better in this country. Healthy foods should not be a luxury.  So I’ll stick to my regular routine of having donuts a couple of times a year, made the way God intended–deep fried and cheap!

Here are their flavors:

online photo --not my own


Banana Chocolate*

Chocolate Hazelnut*



Strawberry Buttermilk

Rosemary Olive Oil

Peanut Butter & Jelly

Chocolate Peanut Butter


Chorizo Cheddar


Cinnamon Sugar


  1. .    *Wheat/Gluten Free

** Wheat/Gluten Free & Vegan

by Tudy

Only The Wealthy Eat Healthy?


Personally I love eating fresh, unprocessed locally grown food. So do most of the people I know, but with the rise in unemployment and/or underemployment, eating healthy for a lot of people is just not in their budget. Seriously, it costs more to eat healthy. This seems wrong and backwards. You would think that with all the health problems plaguing our nation, the powers that be would be advocating lower prices for healthy eating choices.  However, a recent report from the Journal of Health Affairs says the new U.S. nutritional guidelines, (known to some of us as the food pyramid,) would require Americans to spend hundreds more dollars than they are already spending for food right now, in order to include foods containing more potassium, dietary fiber, calcium and vitamin D. 

Further reports show some 4.5 million Americans are eating less-healthy food this year than they were a year ago, according to a Gallup Poll released in June, a trend that appears to go hand in hand with diminished spending power. Americans spent slightly less money on all types of food in 2009 than they did in 2008, the latest year for which data is available, according to Census data. At the same time, average annual spending on fresh fruits and vegetables also declined.

The trend appears particularly pronounced for African Americans, given that the black unemployment rate now sits at 16.2 percent, compared to 9.2 percent for Americans overall. 

“Sample the American conversation about food, and poor people are often described as if they are stupid, foolishly opting for unhealthy foods over more wholesome options, while absorbing the attendant health problems associated with obesity, from heart trouble to diabetes. But poor people tend to eat high calorie, salty and sweet foods not out of ignorance, but in an accommodation with economic necessity, say experts.

“Foods with high calories tend to be cheaper,” says Adam Drewnowski, director of the Center for Obesity Research at the University of Washington in Seattle. “It’s really not irrational that a person with a tiny income is going to be more concerned with feeling full than how many anti-oxidants that they get. If you want to feel full and not go hungry, you would logically focus on foods that give you the most calories per dollar, not nutrients per dollar.”via As Black Unemployment Climbs, Healthy American Eating Declines.

This may seem a little off topic, however I see a correlation between eating healthy and problems we have educating our children. While listening to an NPR broadcast yesterday regarding Los Angeles Unified School Districts and the failure rates of students in certain areas, a caller thought their was too much red tape going on. He felt the teaching formula was a simple one; get qualified teachers, kids who are willing to learn and a safe comfortable environment for them to do their thing.  At that one of the speakers said, “it’s not that simple; you have more to deal with in the classroom such as kids worrying about their parents unemployment status; being homeless; the kid may have a throbbing toothache because they haven’t been to the dentist in the past two years and also (this is my addition) not getting enough to eat; or better yet not getting the right foods to eat.  Under nourished kids (people for that matter) don’t perform as well as their wealthier, possibly healthier counterparts.  This is a real problem that seems to be (in my opinion) contributing to an even bigger problem.  

Eating healthy should not be a luxury; it should be a necessity; not a privilege but a standard.

Processed/junk foods, like cigarettes should cost more, since they are contributing to unhealthy Americans.   

By Tudy

The Ex-Factor


by Tudy and Yvette

“Should you be friends with your ex;….now that you’re in a relationship with someone else; or even married?  This is a common issue that comes up in relationships; especially with Facebook and other social networking sites. I’m not talking about being cordial or polite, I’m talking about being friends, i.e. hanging out, texting each other on a regular basis, talking on the phone; etc.?

What Tudy Says:

“While my answer to this question is no, I do realize there may be circumstances wherein being friends with your ex is a good idea, such as if you have kids together;  if you’re business partners or if your sister is married to his brother or something crazy like that.  I once read an article wherein someone said “don’t sow new seeds on old soil’…something like that.  The point was it doesn’t make for a good foundation, which I feel is important in a relationship. Some might say that relationships are built on trust and if you can’t have trust, your relationship is doomed. Maybe so, however I feel this is beyond a trust issue. I mean your ex is someone you’ve been intimate with, which poses a potential threat to your current relationship.  How can you cultivate your new relationship if you are constantly communicating with your ex? Your new significant other may feel a little insecure or uneasy about the interaction, thinking there may be some lingering feelings, and understandable so when you pepper your conversations with “ex said this or ex said that”.  Why add that kind of tension to your relationship? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you can’t be cordial; I’m saying you can’t be friends.  They’re your ex for a reason.”

What Yvette Says: 

I personally don’t care to be around an ex … But for any reason I had to be in ones presents it would not faze me because once I am over you its a rap! I think if I was dating someone and we both agreed that the relationship was not working for either one of us, then why not continue being friends because there are no hard feelings between the two of us. Now I’m not saying I would hang out all the time or call and text but, maybe once in a blue moon. If I were to enter into a new relationship and my new guy didn’t want me to continue a friendship with the ex, I would understand.  But, I would hope that wouldn’t be only because of his insecurity.

What do you have to say?