Green Lemonade

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Yes you read it correctly, green lemonade?  I stumbled upon this recipe in a book called “The Raw Food Detox Diet” by Natalia Rose.  which you can get on    Now, I am not doing the diet, however I am looking for creative ways to incorporate more fruits and vegetables in my [eating] life and this book helps me accomplish just that! Starting the day with freshly juiced vegetables and fruits gets nutrient-rich water directly into your bloodstream, recharging your cells. I mean, you can actually feel it in your body.  This drink, I understand helps to rid your body of toxins and waste that may otherwise sit there giving you that unsightly muffin-top (not a good look).  There are several variations of this recipe online however, here is the one I used:

1 Head of Romaine lettuce or celery

5 to 6 stalks of kale (any type)

1 to 2 apples (this is for sweetness, I used 2 small organic Fuji apples)

1 whole organic lemon (I peeled my lemon)

1-2 tablespoons of fresh ginger (optional)

I used my Jack Lalanne‘s juicer  to make this juice, putting in the vegetables first then the fruit.  This taste like lemonade! The lemon over-powers the taste of the greens (not that I mind that taste) and the apples sweeten it.  You will love how this energizes and refreshes you! (photo coming soon!)

UPDATE:  To make a smoothie version of the drink, blend the ingredients in your blender!

see ya!

Brow Styling

The Benefits of Brow Styling

There’s nothing like a defined brow to shape your face. It’s a simple thing that can make a world of difference in the overall appearance of your face.  When done properly, your eyebrows will brighten your face, which will give you a more youthful look and bring attention to your eyes. Even if you’re not a big make-up wearer, having beautifully shaped eyebrows gives you a softer more polished look, while balancing out your face.  If you have never had your brows done, go to a professional, as they will be able to help you achieve the look you want without messing them up. Not sure of the shape you want? There are several eyebrow kits you can use to try out different options. If you decide to do them yourself and you’re not happy with the results, you can shade them in using the kits until they grow back; which won’t be long because they grow back fast. Maintenance is minimal, talk to your brow stylist for tips on how to keep your look fresher longer by using tweezers and or make-up pencils between visits.  Oh and for your men out there, brow shaping is beneficial  for you too. Do you really think Denzel doesn’t get his eyebrows shaped?

Look for our upcoming video entitled “Eye On You” to be posted on our YouTube channel in the next few days!

If you’re in the Philadelphia area, DeneenMarcel Lashes has just added lash

and brow tinting services to her menu!

You can contact her at or at 267-918-8319

Fit For The Holidays

The holidays are coming….well they’re practically here. You know what that means; your bank account will get skinny while your waistline gets fatter. To avoid this phenomenon, you will need to exercise and eat right during the weeks before the holidays. That’s right, studies show that if you exercise before the holidays even get started, you can avoid most if not all the weight gain rather than trying to work it off once the damage is done. Also, you will have an even greater success at keeping the holiday fat monster away if you exercise in the morning, before you eat!  Why is that? Well researchers have found that the body burns fat more efficiently in a “fasted” state, which is most likely in the morning, before you break(fast). It seems that by doing your exercising in a “fasted state, coaxes the body to burn a greater percentage of fat for fuel during vigorous exercise, instead of relying primarily on carbohydrates. When you burn fat, you obviously don’t store it in your muscles” says Peter Hespel, Ph.D., a professor in the Research Center for Exercise and Health at Catholic University Leuven in Belgium and senior author of the study. 

Another benefit to starting your routine now, you will look great on New Year’s Eve, instead of squeezing into that dress and making a fitness program part of you resolutions, AGAIN! I (Tudy) have been doing some form of exercise off and on for months, but now I have gotten together a more serious and committed plan of action which entails regular cardio four to five times a weeks and weight training two to three times a week. This is a plan that I have put on the front burner so it’s just part of my day. I don’t eat or drink anything except water until I exercise, period! If you want to take the pledge, you are welcome to join me. you don’t have to join an expensive gym (I didn’t), you can work out to dvd videos in your living room, ride a bike, do push-ups, sit-ups whatever just get moving!  Set goals, small ones to keep you going, like drinking more water, or working out ten extra minutes. Before you know it you will be an exercising machine. Feel free to check in with your results, share your routine or tips etc. Let’s do this !!!! Happy Holiday fitness everybody!

About Yvette:

My Workout!! (Yvette) … Ok, so I’m just going to tell you up front… I have not worked out in awhile, Yes I said it awhile It might be due to a surgery I had back in May 2010 I know I know I know that we are going on 2012 LOL But, I have been on walks and a little exercise around the home. Now let me have you know before the surgery I used to workout All The Time so no worries muscle memory is still with me lol. For the past few weeks I have doing intense 30 minute workouts!!! Yaaaaa!!! It kicks my bum and I get tired and worn out because I went from really nothing to being insane with intense 30 minutes, ( I would also sometimes do my budokon tap which is a mixture of yoga martial arts and meditation. Now I’m back and ready to get it rockin again!!                                                                                                             Let me just say I used to attend a gym six days a week and loved all the machines yoga classes sauna and steam room But, we know it can be a little pricey and sometimes you just want fresh air when you workout and not be picked up on while trying to get your workout in… I canceled my membership! There are so many people with amazing body’s that do not attend a gym, You can do it! Purchase taps you like sand balls weights a mat a workout ball what ever you may need to get your workout going and stimulate your mind body and soul!! Just get busy with some type of workout and incorporate healthy eating , and if you don’t feel good now you will feel good if you feel good now you will feel even better when you workout and eat heathier …. Trust me it does incredible things to your mind body and soul!!! Enjoy You Can Do It!!

Tudy and Yvette on the Tube

Finally!!!! We have some really cute videos on YouTube. I am so excited about that. If you have a moment, stop by show us some love, rate, subscribe, comment here and on Youtube, we’d love to hear for you. Thank you all so much for your time.  We will keep it coming, keep it fresh just let us know you’re there! Thanks again, guys. Here’s a link to our channel. 


Fresh Spinach Cabbage Salad

This light crispy salad is so easy to make. You can alter it to suit your taste or change it up by adding asparagus or sun-dried tomatoes.  The one thing that makes it easy is I keep shredded cabbage on hand most times, so when I want to throw a quick salad together this is my fix. I love fresh cabbage because it’s light and goes with just about anything.  I also make soups and shakes with it!

Red Onions
Cranberries and Walnuts
Sea Salt/ Ground black Pepper
Smoked South African Spice
Soy Vay Toasted Sesame Dressing & Marinade

(Pan Fried fish optional)