Zara Online!

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Yes people, now you have the option of shopping for  Zara’s  reasonably priced, incredibly high fashion clothes online! I admit this is not as much fun as you’ll have in the stores, but you’ll come across some great finds, nevertheless.  If you don’t know already, Zara has been dubbed the “Forever 21 for adults” However I think the two are in totally different classes! Zara surpasses Forever 21 in a big way.  Zara, although, priced higher, is more of a value in terms of quality. Their clothes are well made with attention to detail, their fabric lasts more than a few washes and the styles mimic the high-end designer fashions we tend to see in the magazines. Speaking of magazines, you won’t see Zara ads in them because  they  don’t advertise.  Instead, they  focus on giving the customers what they want; beautiful clothes at low prices.  That’s one of the reasons they are able to keep costs down and pass the saving on to us, the consumer.   Zara prides themselves on meeting the needs of  the “Realway” not the “Runway” which is great because we get big-fashioned , functional clothes we can wear to work (or play) without looking out of place. I sometimes see the fashions featured on the pages or Vogue or Elle and think “where would I wear that?” Not the case with Zara fashions you can find styles for every occasion!  Bravo, ZARA! Job well done.  Here are photos of some of  their Fall Collection 2011,  you can find in their online store. hope you enjoy! (shop responsibly)          by Tudy







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