(fōnuts), Donuts Healthy Cousin

Today we ventured over to a new eatery located at Third and Crescent Heights, in the Miracle Mile section of Los Angeles, called fonuts.  These, as advertised are the healthy alternative to the deep fried donuts  we’ve come to know and love.   Being the first day of business, the place was buzzing with curious, health conscience folks. At fonuts, there were cake and raised (yeasted) in vegan and/or gluten-free donuts, which is the only type my sister, Yvette will eat. These donuts are made using a combination of steaming and convection heat to create the light fluffy textures you expect when having a donut.  There was a good assortment of flavors to choose from  (see list below) including a savory option.  I had the Lemon; which was good but I found to taste a little undercooked. Chocolate Banana I enjoyed, it reminded me of banana bread. Chocolate Hazelnut, this was my favorite, it was rich without being overly sweet. I would marry that one!   I also tried the Rum flavor, which I found very bland. I didn’t care for that one. And the chorizo cheddar was a delightful change from the norm, a bit on the bagel side, could use a little more chorizo and a tad more bite.  The staff was very friendly, helpful and ready for all the questions. In all, it was a very pleasant dining experience.

In my opinion these donuts were interesting and delicious, but more on the cake side of their light and airy counterpart. They actually remind me more of cupcakes; except for the chorizo cheddar, which reminded me of a very light bagel.  The price for the healthy alternative was a whopping sixteen-fifty for five donuts.  They were good but they weren’t sixteen-fifty good. I don’t understand why it cost more to eat better in this country. Healthy foods should not be a luxury.  So I’ll stick to my regular routine of having donuts a couple of times a year, made the way God intended–deep fried and cheap!

Here are their flavors:

online photo --not my own


Banana Chocolate*

Chocolate Hazelnut*



Strawberry Buttermilk

Rosemary Olive Oil

Peanut Butter & Jelly

Chocolate Peanut Butter


Chorizo Cheddar


Cinnamon Sugar


  1. .    *Wheat/Gluten Free

** Wheat/Gluten Free & Vegan

by Tudy

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